Your e-bike has an electric system that is measured by volts and amps.
Volts: Voltage is the amount of potential electricity your battery holds. In general, the voltage of your battery doesn’t increase or decrease.
Amps: Amps, or current, refer to how quickly your battery draws electricity during use. You use more amps (and deplete your e-bike battery faster) when riding…
- With a heavy load
- Uphill
- On bumpy and grassy terrain
Watts: Your e-bike battery watts are a measure of the output of power that your e-bike can provide. You can calculate your watts when you know the voltage and amps of your battery.
- Voltage x Amps = Watts
A 350-watt system can put out up to about 600 watts at peak, but will provide 350 watts of power when riding under normal conditions. The rated power of your e-bike will affect the speed and or torque depending on the configuration.
For more info, check out our Magnum Academy article: Get to Know Your E-Bike Battery
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